DR Jagadeeswaran, is a well established consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive care at the Heart of England NHS foundation trust . He has special interest in anaesthesia for trauma and orthopaedics, general surgery , plastic surgery and urology . Having trained in the UK in Anaesthesia and Intensive care has maintained his interest in both fields all along.

He also plays an important part in training junior doctors and is the course director for BASIC course ( Internationally recognised course for doctors and nurses training in intensive care). Also performs the role of examiner in the European Diploma in intensive care exam.

He has keen interest in music, performs along with famous band called Bollywood therapy which is UK based band performing for charity organisation called Small Steps Charity which raises money through various sporting and musical events for helping many causes in India and UK.

A photo of Dr Jagadeeswaran at Bollywood Therapy

Contact Us Directly

Sarah Morris, Secretary to Mr Pimpalnerkar

Call us

07731138900 or 0121 4247658
Weekdays 4pm to 7pm, Saturday 8am to 3pm